Strokin’ Pedals is an immersive live spin class that uses the stationary bike or standard bicycle you already have. No need to pay any gym fees or buy an expensive spin bike that has a monthly membership fee attached to it.
Our goal is to create a fun and free class that gives you a real work out. This is NOT dancing on a bike like some of the trendy fitness clubs. Our classes will work on fitness goals to help you get leaner and build power in your cycling.
What you Need To Participate
- Stationary Bike (or Your own Bicycle)
- Bike Trainer
- 32 oz Water Bottle
- Sweat Towel
- Heart Rate Monitor & Watch*
- Cadence Sensor*
- Streaming Device* (computer, phone, television)
*optional Items
Live Class Schedule
Every WEDNESDAY Eastern Standard Time (EST-4)
6:00 AM
7:00 AM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Be sure to subscribe to our email list for notification on the latest news or any changes to our class schedule.